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Better to be uninformed than misinformed

If you don’t know that something happened you haven’t seen it, heard or red about it. You are uninformed.

If you know that something happened, you have seen it, heard or red about it. In case you have seen it happening you’re a reporter for yourself and others, because you are the one who collects images from your environment in form of observations.

You decide to share your observations with others by using words to re-paint images from your mind onto a blank page. Readers of your report access words, which are only a slice of situational pizza, because re-painting everything is impossible for two reasons. Firstly, because when you look at something your mind uses mental pictures already residing in your head to make sense of new images coming in. Secondly, words are images on their own. So, whenever you transfer images into words you’re recreating backwards from images words contain. Even the best reporters misinform their readers and listeners.

Whenever we don’t observe on our own we are misinformed to an extent. It’s impossible to estimate the extent of misinformation. So, for big decisions it’s better to be uniformed, unless you’re your own reporter.


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